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001050_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Wed Oct 18 06:27:19 1995.msg
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Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 09:20:07 -0400
From: RFCoates@aol.com
Message-Id: <951018092006_126859301@mail02.mail.aol.com>
To: ddrennan@freenet.columbus.oh.us, lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Subject: Re: Creating starfields/ smoothing motion curves
Sender: owner-lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Precedence: bulk
>I am really having difficulty using the motion curve editor.
>Once I get one channel perfect, like the PITCH channel, I find that what I
>have just done has completely wacked out my my Z POSITION channel!
>I can't seem to adjust one without ruining another. I need nice smooth
>movement and the spline controls that I used to smooth one aren't
>neccesarily correct for my other channels. Is there a way to separate the
>channels? What can I do?
Unfortunately, LW keyframes all channels together.The work around is to
use null objects and parenting. In your case you can use 1 null object
for pitch and a second for Z. Parent the object to the Z null then parent
the Znull to the Pitch Null. This should work.
>My other question is: I need to create a moving star field ala Star Trek
>(Stars coming at the camera from a distance)
>and it has to be able to loop correctly. I'm sure this is fairly simple
>and I'm just so tired I can't figure it out.
You can do this by creating a bunch of points in Modeler and putting them
in a column. Make a second column of stars similiar but with different
locations. Now Put star column one into position to start and place the
2nd column of stars behind it (relative to camera). Now use envelopes and
repeat motion option so that as the first column finishes passing the
camera it repeats it's motion (IOW, it goes back to is't starting
position which places it behind the end of column to) You may also have
to use object dissolve envelopes to get it just right.
Mark Thompson has an exellant tutorial for rain, that is basicaly the
same thing, on his inofous tape. Definitely, worth the price.
Hope this helps
Robert <just trying to FLY-r> Coates
RFCoates@aol.com sent this message.
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